“Its Important”

March 31, 2009

I never had any idea how magical “its important” can be.  Last night, Chet, Kait, and I were having some good convos in McLean…. tears were almost shed.  So we start talking about life post this semester and how we love our friends…blah blah.  Then Chet’s like “Dojo?”.  Of course me and Kait agree.  So I send a mass text saying “Come to Dojo. It’s Important.”  Let me just clarify that this is probably right around midnight.  So the replies make us almost pee our pants.  

Megan Dephillips got out of bed because she thought it was really serious.

Alyssa and Caleb thought there was some kind of fight.

Katie Dephillips thought we needed to have a house meeting.

Chase Sneed thought we were in trouble and offered to come help.

Ryan just said… on my way.

Speth asked 100000 questions… whos there? whats up? why?

Jacob was “in a rebuke.”  Still not sure if that was a joke.

It was one of the best decisions made in a while.  I love that Dojo will always be a staple to believers at Western.  Laughs galore.  But now I’m gonna be the girl that cried Dojo.  It was worth it.

5 Responses to ““Its Important””

  1. Charlotte- I can tell you right now that Dojo will probably be the thing you miss THE MOST about college…or just about any gathering with friends and yummy food. But Eak makes dojo a little better =)
    It’s hard leaving college! You think you are ready when it’s over but I promise you’ll miss so much after a few months on your own. But you are LUCKY- You have two more years!!!!!!!!!!! I would LOVE to have two more years at WKU. Sounds like you are appreciating every last second!

  2. Oh, and I love your blog. I love Celine, too. She is so amazing. And you might feel like you’re in the Twilight Zone for two more years! It’s good though!!

  3. Su Madee said

    I can almost hear your voice as I read your blog! I makes me laugh and makes me almost sheds tear at times. You are very blessed. U love that you live your life abundantly! It is a beautiful thing to see. Hugs and kisses!!!!

  4. Su Madee said

    Sorry for the typos above. The keyboard on my phone is small and it is early. I hope you understand what I was trying to say!

  5. Hannah said

    I’m so glad you found me! :) I miss you and the DOJO :( This post cracks me up. I love all the responses, as I was reading I was picturing meghan d jumping out of bed worried ryan definitely being the dad and “on his way” and katie d being confused:) O Bowling Green I miss you!

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